Birth transcript on the register of civil status and the family record book

Diplomatic and consular agents register the civil status records of Moroccan nationals living abroad in accordance with Moroccan laws and regulations:
- They deliver Moroccan family books to Moroccans born in their consular districts;
- They provide birth and death certificates;
- They transcribe on the Moroccan registers the birth and death certificates issued by the civil status officers of the country of residence;
- They record marriage and divorce in the margin of the birth certificate of each spouse born in their consular district.
- They record and mention the death on the margin of the birth certificates of the deceased person in their consular districts.
- They issue full copy and excerpts of the deeds recorded on their civil status registers.
They can also deliver other services relating to the civil status such as:
- Certificate of nationality;
- Certificate of celibacy;
- Marriage certificate;
- Certificate of non-remarriage;
- Certificate of divorce;
- Certificate of Custom;
- Individual and collective certificates of life;
- Individual and family records of marital status;
- Authorization to transfer body remains to Morocco;
- In terms of procedure, they are entitled to stamp the certificates of concordance issued in Morocco.

The transcription of birth certificate is issued by the consular service where the birth of the newborn took place. It is made by the next of kin of the newborn in the following order: The father or the mother, the testamentary guardian, the brother, the nephew or by any person duly mandated for this purpose

Required documents
I - Child born to a Moroccan father
- Consular registration of parents is required if they reside in the consular district;
- Family booklet or Moroccan identity and civil status booklet (in case of absence, a written promise to present this booklet as soon as possible is required);
- Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth;
- Extract from the birth certificate of the mother of the child or a copy of the Moroccan family book of the spouse or the CNIE;
- Copy of the CNIEcard of the father;
- Marriage certificate (Original + Copy);
- Identity card of the person making the declaration;
II - Child born to a Moroccan mother and a foreign father:
- Certificate of nationality for a child born before 2 April 2007;
- Consular registration of the mother if she lives within the consular district;
- Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth;
- Complete copy of the birth certificate of the mother or her CNIE;
- Identity document or any document mentioning the parentage of the father;
- Marriage certificate (Original + Copy) (if applicable);
- Identity card of the person making the declaration.
III - Child born to a single mother:
- Consular registration of the mother if she lives in the consular district;
- Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth;
- Complete recent copy of the mother's birth certificate;
- CNIE of the mother;
IV - Child born out of wedlock (marriage)::
- Consular registration of the mother if she lives in the consular district;
- Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth;
- Complete copies of birth certificates of mother and father (in Arabic and French);
- Act of recognition of paternity (Istilhaq);
- Identity documents of both parents.


Choice of the first name:
The given name must not be a name of a city, village or tribe , as it must not be offensive to morality or public order and may not include any nickname or title such as "Moulay "," Sidi ", or" Lalla ".
Non-resident cases:
When the birth of a Moroccan child takes place during a trip by sea or air, the declaration of birth must be made to the officer of the Moroccan civil status of the place of the first Moroccan port or airport, the nearest Moroccan Consular Services at the place of destination or at the civil status office of the place of residence in Morocco; this must be performed within thirty days of the date of arrival.