Power of attorney for marriage

The marriage is concluded in the presence of both concerned parties.
However, a power of attorney may be given to this end, after authorization of the Family judge, if particular circumstances prevent the interested party from concluding the marriage in person.
N.B. :
- The power of attorney must be established in the authentic form or in a private agreement with authenticated signature of the interested party;
- The applicant must be an adult, enjoys his full civil capacity and meet the conditions of supervision if elected by the matrimonial tutor (Wali);
- The interested party must specify in the power of attorney the name of the other spouse, his description and the information relating to his identity, as well as any information that might be useful;
- The power of attorney must indicate the amount of the dowry “sadaq” and specify some, if necessary, in advance or versed in the long term. The interested party can fix and agree upon the conditions that they want to introduce in the act and agree upon the conditions set out by them ;
The power of attorney must be accepted by the family judge.

Required documents
- Consular registration;
- Passport or CNIE;
- Family record book of interested, if necessary;
- Integral copy of birth certificate that is less than six (06) months old;
- Presence of the applicant;