By Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices

Consular services are empowered to legalize signatures affixed to private deeds signed by Moroccans residing in their consular district.
They may also legalize the signatures of the public civil servant, the Local Authorities and the Foreign Consuls residing at their jurisdiction of whom they have specimen of signature.

Required documents
For the legalization of signature of the authorities, the followings are required:
- Identity document of the applicant;
- Original document to legalize;
For the legalization of signature on procurement, declarations and various documents:
- Consular registration, if the interested party resides in the district;
- CNIE or Passport;
- Power of attorney, declaration or document to be legalized;
- Compulsory presence and signature of applicant in front of the consular agent.
Important: The procurement relating to the real-estate transactions can be established only in front of the adouls, notaries or lawyers (see heading “Procurement Adoulaire”).
The power of attorney must indicate the surname, the first name, the number of the identity document and the address of the applicant.

Important: Les procurations relatives aux transactions immobilières, ne peuvent être établies que devant les adouls, notaires ou avocats (voir rubrique « Procurations adoulaires »).
La procuration doit indiquer le nom, le prénom, le numéro de la pièce d’identité et l'adresse de la personne mandatée.

Chancery fees
See the applicable fees
See the detail of the price lists
The legalization of signature on the power of attorney for marriage, divorce, acts of commercial nature, assessment of company, certain acts Adoulaires and other not specified legalizations, are subjected to specific Chancery fees.