Beneficiaries residing in Morocco or in a country other than that of the deceased's residence

Applications for liquidation of successions may be addressed to the Department of Consular and Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Rabat or to the Diplomatic Mission or the Moroccan Consular Post where the death took Place.

Documents required
- Adoulaire general power of attorney established in the name of the head of the Diplomatic Mission or the Consular Post allowing it to act with public and private persons and public bodies abroad, for the liquidation of the succession and / or the annuity.
- Original hereditary act, stating all the heirs;
- Original Act of guardianship for children under age.
These documents must be translated into the official language of the deceased's country of residence. The translation must be legalised (see section on legalisation of signatures and certification of document conformity).
Associated/related services
Residents in the country of residence of the deceased
Authorisation for the entry of the Funerary URN of a deceased foreigner for burial in Morocco
Request to the Moroccan authorities to pay the cost of repatriating for cases of families in need
Authorisation for transfer of body remains for inhumation in morocco