

The extract of the criminal record (Bulletin no.3) is the record of the sentences of deprivation of liberty pronounced by a jurisdiction of the Kingdom for a crime or offense. It can only be issued to the person concerned, on proof of identity and may be given to a third party only by special legalized power of attorney.

The Ministry of Justice has made an electronic platform available which allows to request it online extracts of criminal records (Bulletin n°3):

Address electronic:

Documents required

Documents required

There are two possibilities for the non-Moroccans:

Online Application: To provide and fill a form in a correct way and specify the information required on the website.
Request at the nearest Moroccan consular services :

  • A birth certificate;
  • UA photocopy of the first page of the passport, as well as the page carrying the last visa of entry to the Moroccan territory;
  • A legalized special proxy, if the request is presented by a person other than the interested party;
  • A stamp representing fees of (10 dirhams).

E-service public associé

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